Hey , I'm Rohit Singh

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What I Do

So far I have JavaScript, HTML, CSS,Django,Wordpress, Python, jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS and GitHub under my belt. I'm still enthusiastically grabbing onto any other programming languages, frameworks I can integrate into the coding web in my head

More About Me

Front-end Web Development calls to all my passion,it incorporates creativity and problem solving and i'm allowed to break it to improve the code (of course ,in a separate git branch).

I love applying responsive design principles and watching my web pages shrink into mobile screens and still look amazing. It's oddly satisfying. I think in a way I'm kind of like those web pages; I'm moldable, but I still keep my creative flare intact.

Top Intrests

FullStack Developer with primary focus on Django + PHP:Download Resume

  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Django
  • Cordova
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Android Studio
  • Mongodb
  • Discrete mathematics
  • Sql

Some of My Past Projects

PHP Chat Application

simple chat application by using Ajax Jquery and PHP .

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Django Ecommerce

Users can add and remove products to/from their cart

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To Get In Touch